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From: Brant Suarez <efevflao@008beats.com>
Subject: ATTN: Important Bank DocumentsWe have received this documents from your bank, please review attached documents.
Brant Suarez
Wells Fargo AdvisorsInvestments in securities and insurance products are:
NOT FDIC-INSURED/NO BANK-GUARANTEES/MAY LOSE VALUEWells Fargo Advisors, LLC is a nonbank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company, Member FINRA/SIPC. 1 North Jefferson, St. Louis, MO 63103
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16 stycznia, 2014 o godzinie 23:06
Najgorsze scierwo – Cryptolocker.
Szyfruje dane na dysku, walczylismy z tym kilka dni w firmie.
UWGA sieciowe teszyfruje.