Dla zainteresowanych odsyłam do odnośnika, z krótkim zrzutem rozmowy dwóch ludzi, którzy zarządzają tysiącami przejętych komputerów. Widać, że generowanie bitcoinów nadal w modzie :]
A dla leniwych zrzut poniżej:
Unusable mIRCz 12:58 am
(12:58:15 AM): I just got on to Jam3s’s server, it was on threat expert, he has the updated NgRbot
tUSnipas 1:01 am
(1:01:16 AM): lol.
Unusable mIRCz 1:02 am
(1:02:03 AM): Im so serious, i thought it was yours at first cause your the only one with facebook spread for ngrbot.. i believe. But it turns out „Jam3s” Was taken in the server nicks so right now im just waiting to see whats good.
tUSnipas 1:02 am
(1:02:54 AM): it is mine
(1:02:56 AM): get off
(1:02:57 AM): lol
Unusable mIRCz 1:03 am
(1:03:07 AM): Haha no its not
Unusable mIRCz 1:03 am
(1:03:25 AM): Does it have ##Boss ?
tUSnipas 1:03 am
(1:03:38 AM): thats my channel
Unusable mIRCz 1:03 am
(1:03:59 AM): Dude your shit is so hotboy, all over threat expert
tUSnipas 1:04 am
(1:04:19 AM): dont give a fuck
Unusable mIRCz 1:04 am
(1:04:35 AM): Well are you ever coming back … ?
tUSnipas 1:04 am
(1:04:56 AM): wut
Unusable mIRCz 1:05 am
(1:05:12 AM): Like to selling bots and shit. You just like disappeared. Haha
Unusable mIRCz 1:05 am
(1:05:43 AM): You should start bitcoin mining, along with the ppi’s and mailers.
tUSnipas 1:06 am
(1:06:25 AM): im already mining…
Unusable mIRCz 1:06 am
(1:06:56 AM): nice ;-)
(1:07:32 AM): Come back already bro. You have like 25,000 on that. Thats more than enought to be making about $10k a month
tUSnipas 1:09 am
(1:09:24 AM): lol
(1:09:24 AM): if u got lr
(1:09:26 AM): hmu
Unusable mIRCz 1:09 am
(1:09:57 AM): Well not for me, I have 8k. I’ve been making moves for the past 6 months
(1:10:06 AM): But im still fairly new and learning on the way
tUSnipas 1:10 am
(1:10:22 AM): oiddc
(1:10:24 AM): oic