Dzień rozpoczął się od otrzymania dwóch ofert sprzedaży baz adresowych e-maili związanych z tematyką około lekarską. W pierwszym przypadku możemy dokonać zakupu maili pielęgniarek i terapeutów, a w drugim dentystów. Za 75 000 adresów specjalistów dentystycznych zapłacimy normalnie 199$ ale w promocji weekendowej możemy zaoszczędzić stówę i zakupić bazę za jedyne 99$ ;]
A oto wiadomości:
Subject: data for nurs es – emails included
This file is ideal for job placement and more. New as of March 2012
U SA Nur ses & Ther apists – 135,000 total emails
Complete Resumes Included
Names and Location included.Please reply back for a sample spreadsheet.
fyi: to be discontinued from our promos reply with the word 'quit’ typed in the subject.
J. Stevenson
i druga:
Subject: US Dentists Database -75kEmails {RFG-29}
Refine your marketing efforts with these great lists:
General Dentists and Dental Specialists
75,000 Total Emails
Regular Price: $199
#### On Sale this week for just $99 ####You get the complete list with all contact data including phone, email, postal address and more. Unlimited use rights -use the list as many times as you need and
for whatever purpose. You won’t find a better deal than this, most other companies are charging more than $1 per email! The list is derived from optin sources
meaning you are legally entitled to email your offers to it.Just reply back for more info and a sample.
Should you prefer to not receive our offers any more simply put 'quit’ in the subject heading and send your reply.