Kolejna wiadomość z kolejną próbą oszustwa. Oczywiście to typowy scam, czyli próba wyłudzenia pieniędzy, by rzekomo odzyskać morze gotówki .Tym razem odkrytej po śmierci dyktatora z Iraku. Proszę się nie nabierać i kasować :]
Dear Friend,
I am writing you this email from Kabul, Afghanistan as the last batch of our men just left Iraq. My name is Arthur Martins. I got your email through an online
search directory. We want you to assist us that is why am contacting you, ihave some items I will need to ship to you. The Fund was discovered in the hood of
Iraqi Dead dictator when we were first deployed in Iraq. Although our men returned money to the US army which was subsequently returned to the Iraqi treasury, but
we weren’t stupid to give in all the money.We thank you guys for your prayersBut the one question is, Can you be trusted?. Please signify your interest by replying to my private EMAIL- AT arturmartins@outlook.com
Jeden komentarz do
28 września, 2012 o godzinie 01:14
Do mnie na o2.pl przychodzi nawet z serwerów yahoo.
Coraz gorsze jest to yahoo.