Otrzymaliśmy od Barta (dzięki!) najświeższe przykłady ogłoszeń o pracę czyli zwyczajnych prób oszustwa, w które oczywiście absolutnie nie należy wierzyć:
Temat: Take a spare three-hour work week in our clinic and get 580 Eur.
We invite you to work in the remote assistant position.
This work takes 2-3 hours per week and requires absolutely no investment. The essence of this work for incoming client requests in your city. The starting salary is about ~2000 Euro per month + bonuses.
You get paid your salary every 2 weeks and your bonuses after fulfilling each task!
We guarantee work for everyone. But we accept applications this week only! Therefore, you should write a request right now. And you will start earning money, starting from next week.
Please indicate in the request:
Your name:
Your Contact number:
Your email address:
City of residence:Please send the request to my email Cheryl@euroconsultjob _ com and I will answer you personally as soon as possible
Cheryl Masters
Temat: Your monthly income can be increased to 1950 EURO paid.
We invite you to work in the remote assistant position.
This work takes 2-3 hours per week and requires absolutely no investment. The essence of this work for incoming client requests in your city. The starting salary is about ~2000 Euro per month + bonuses.
You get paid your salary every 2 weeks and your bonuses after fulfilling each task!
We guarantee work for everyone. But we accept applications this week only! Therefore, you should write a request right now. And you will start earning money, starting from next week.
Please indicate in the request:
Your name:
Your Contact number:
Your email address:
City of residence:Please send the request to my email Jesus@euroconsultjob _ com and I will answer you personally as soon as possible
Jesus Duffy
Temat: You can earn an additional 200 Eur per day helping your community
We invite you to work in the remote assistant position.
This work takes 2-3 hours per week and requires absolutely no investment. The essence of this work for incoming client requests in your city. The starting salary is about ~2000 Euro per month + bonuses.
You get paid your salary every 2 weeks and your bonuses after fulfilling each task!
We guarantee work for everyone. But we accept applications this week only! Therefore, you should write a request right now. And you will start earning money, starting from next week.
Please indicate in the request:
Your name:
Your Contact number:
Your email address:
City of residence:Please send the request to my email Ahmad@euroconsultjob _ com and I will answer you personally as soon as possible
Ahmad Bowman
2 komentarze do
24 czerwca, 2013 o godzinie 14:29
Ależ to elementarne.
Jesus jest dla Chrześcijan, Ahmed dla Muzułmanów, a Cheryl dla pastafarian i pozostałych odszczepieńców ;)
Mimo wszystko przydatna byłaby chyba jeszcze wersja z Ramem i Buddhą. Ale może nie szukają targetu na rynkach azjatyckich ;P
24 czerwca, 2013 o godzinie 17:29
Ale żeby musieć czytać spam nawet z subskrybowanych blogów? ;)