Otrzymane od Patryka Faliszewskiego (dzięki!) ostrzeżenie o szemranej ofercie finansowej – co ciekawe – takiej, którą otrzymał na konto w poczcie WP.PL. Oczywiście sugerujemy nie wdawanie się w takie przekręty.
Subject: GOOD DAY
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From: davidkanga@rediffmail.comGOOD DAY
With so much respect to you and with a good heart and the need to establish relationship with you I write you. I beg you not to regard this as a joke or as a contact to inflict harm on you. Please do consider this mail as one sent from a man who above all seeks peace, confidentiality and your assistance. I am Mr. David Kanga, the Deputy Chairman in charge of Finance and Administration Electoral Commission Ghana (EC).
I have a proposal to make to you that will not bring harm to you in anyway. This proposal will bring immense financial gains to you and also put you in a position to manage a sizable financial portfolio. Note that I am contacting you because of the confidentiality I want to maintain in this regard. I would have contacted diplomatic affiliates in Europe, America or the Far East Asia but this issue requires contacting an individual that can handle issues quietly without making it public.
I want to assure you again that this will not put you at risk or in danger in any way. It is a quiet arrangement that will be strictly between me and you. I will introduce myself fully to you and give you the details of the proposal once I hear from you.
Kind regards,
Mr. David Kanga.
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16 stycznia, 2012 o godzinie 08:55
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